Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Today I am a bit depressed. I don't know if it is the weather or just because I didn't make it to the gym. I wanted to go to the gym today. I need to make a point of when I am planning my appointments that I need to plan gym time too.
today I ate more of the Whopper malted eggs and a donut too. I will chalk this up to a bad day and do better tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

LOST 3.2 LBS = 31.2 LBS

I really wasn't sure that I was going to lose weight this week. But I stepped on the scale and it said I lost 3.2 lbs. I didn't believe it so I moved the scale to make sure it was on flat ground. I got on it again. This time it said I lost 3.1 lbs. So I got off again and walked around the house again. I was sure I was doing something wrong. Then I got back on it again and it again said I had lost 3.2 lbs. So I guess after that many times weighting in I can trust that it is correct.
I am so proud of me. I weigh less then I did when I got pregnant my last time (which was 11 years ago).
I didn't get to stay at the gym the whole time today. I was a little disappointed. I guess that means that I need to work extra hard tomorrow.
I am also going to be better about the dieting part of my life. I didn't do so good last week. Think how much better it would have been if I had stuck to eating better.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Yesterday my whole family went for a walk. That was real nice, except I needed to go to the bathroom the whole time. That is one reason that I love the gym. When you got to go, you can.
I did my gym time this morning. I realized that I don't even notice others around me anymore. I just get in, do my workout and leave. I don't worry about if people are watching my fat body bounce around. Matter of fact, I don't notice others fat bodies either. I guess I am getting more comfortable with my workout abilities.
Well tomorrow is weigh in day. Wish me luck. This week it will be luck if I lose.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I made it out of Utah today. Watch out New York here I come.
I am having the hardest time with the food part of my diet. I just want to eat everything. I am fighting it, and I am doing better then yesterday so I guess there is improvement.
I did work out my 14 miles today. I always feel better if I know that I got that in.
Tomorrow is Fast Sunday so I know that that will make it a bit easier. No one else will be eating either.
I did go walk outside today for one mile. It is was nice and sunny out. I know that also helped me feel less depressed. I love spring. The grass is started to turn green, the plants are getting color. Nothing bad about Spring!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Today has to have been my worst day so far. I ate a Crispy Cream donut, Costco slice of pizza, Whopper malted milk eggs, 2 Manicotti, and buttery popcorn. Good thing I went to the gym. I will be going again in the morning.
Not only did I eat a lot I felt crappy. It is amazing how all that sugar in your body just zaps your energy.
I didn't even count my points today. That is the first thing I will do tomorrow!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Today was super unproductive. I didn't make it to the gym or get hardly any of my stuff done that I needed to do.
I did clip my coupons and got them organized better. I decided to put them in a folder so that I can take them easier into the stores with me. I will let you know how this works.
I am planning on going to the gym in the morning. I have faith that tomorrow is be more productive then today.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


My pants are real loose today. I can pull them down past my hips without undoing them. I guess all these days at the gym are paying off. But I am tired so I am going to bed. Good night.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Today I went with a brother and a sister of mine and we went up to my mom's cabin. She sold it and we helped her move her belonging out. The driveway was so snow packed that we couldn't drive the truck up it, so I got to go up and down the long, slick, muddy, snowy, and deep driveway carrying boxes, dressers, tables, etc... I am not sure how much I walked, but I counted 2 miles for it. It was pretty hard work.
When I weighed in this morning I had lost 2.2 lbs. This is a total of 27 lbs. I love that!!!!!!! I am proud of my progress.
I decided to not continue with paying Weight Watchers so that I can go weigh in each week. I will go back if I see that I start to slide. Right now I feel like I am and can continue doing on my own.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Today was one of those days that you need to just get up and get to the gym or you probably won't go. I really wanted to go back to sleep, but my body wouldn't. I have learned that when my thyroid is real high I just can't sleep.
So when I realized that I might back out, I just went. I am glad that I did. It was good to go. I rode faster and was able to get my 14 miles done is 1 hr. and 20 minutes.
I also noticed that I really have muscles in my calves. That is so cool. I am a calf girl. Some people like butts or arms, but I like the legs!!
I also realized that I can count the time that I walk with my family so I added that on today too. I may be out of Utah by the end of the week.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


I realized today that I can out workout anyone in our home. That is pretty good for an old fat lady.
Today was tryouts for the Biggest Loser, and it was only 45 minutes away. I thought about going, but then decided that I am doing pretty good all on my own. I need to just keep positive and keep going. Sometimes it seems hard, but I know that it is worth it. I also know that I am going to have bad days, but I know I am like an alcoholic. Food is an addiction. I know that when I just want to eat whatever I want. I need to take it one day at a time. I didn't relapse today.
I made my family go walk around the neighborhood today. You would have thought I asked them to do something REALLY hard. Well either way we did it and I loved it. The weather was perfect and I love my family and I want them to be healthy. I am going to try to do this daily along with my workouts. Lets see how that goes.

Friday, March 19, 2010


I think that I need to modify my goal. I am going to make it to New York by Christmas. I just really need 2 days off a week or I am completely exhausted. I am not quitting, just modifying.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Today wasn't the normal Thursday. Usually on Thursday I end up having appointments all morning. They were all canceled for this morning. So I went grocery shopping. I wanted to get some taco shells form Fresh Market, but they were out, so I asked for a raincheck. They wouldn't give me one. I haven't done any rainchecks before but I thought that stores just did that. Maybe I am wrong. I know I am new to this, so maybe someone can help me understand this.
I did another 14 miles at the gym today. It is wearing me out!! I really want to stick to this and see if I can make it work. After all I really want to reach my goal to get to New York.
OH, I was sitting here thinking about what new and exciting things happened to day, then I remembered. I ran .25 miles today. NOT walked, but actually ran. I do have to thank my sister-in-law for telling me where to get a good sports bra (title nine), or I could not ever have done this (without black eyes). I haven't ran since Jr. High I think. I guess that tomorrow we will see how well my body did. I will keep you updated.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I am a bit discouraged today. My Dr. called me back and my thyroid is off. I knew that the test would come back that way (I guess it feels good to know that I know my body that well). But now I feel like it isn't me making me loose weight, but instead that my meds are doing it. So I finished off my 11 girl scout cookies. I know DUMB!!!!
Then as the day went on I realized that I have nothing to complain about. I have lost almost 26 lbs. Who cares how! My feet don't hurt at much. I fit into clothes better, and I can go 14 - 15 miles a day exercising. What am I complaining about? The only thing that will make me mad is if I gain it back now that they have changed my meds. Other then that I need to be thankful for what I have lost and stop focusing on "what if's".
My good news in my cholesterol is back to "good".
I rode 14 miles today which puts me in Heber. It is a cute little country town, nestled up in the mountains, that has some of the nicest weather in the summer. Wow, I am doing good (except for the Monopoly bars that I also ate today).

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Well I did 15 miles today. That would put me a little more then 1/2 way up the canyon. I would have been passing a beautiful mountain lake today. I am suprised at how much I was able to do today. Especially when you put it into the real world like this.
I also learned not to put my cell phone on the treadmill without securing it. Because when it falls and hits a running treadmill the pieces can fly about as far as I rode today. I even had to go "find" the back of my cell phone under someone elses treadmill. I am sure that everyone else wanted to burst out laughing. I know I did! Well all is well with my phone again, AFTER I found all the part to it and put it back together.
I weighted in today and I can't believe it. I lost 4.6 lbs. That makes a total of 25.8 lbs in 9 weeks. I am very proud of myself.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Yesterday I didn't feel good and today I still feel crappy. I did make it to the gym though. I didn't get my full 14 or 15 miles done, but I did get 9 done. I thought I might die while on the treadmill. My stomach hurt so bad and every time I would take a step I thought I might throw up.  But I survived for one more day. I hope that I feel better tomorrow.
Just before I started this diet I had gone to get my cholesterol checked. It was too high. I go tomorrow to get it checked again. I hope it has come back down to normal. I also weigh in tomorrow. I still haven't decided whither to resign up again or not. One more week to decide.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I decided to go to New York. I stole this idea from my niece. I am going to ride as many miles as it takes to get to New York. I am going to start this next week and subtract how many I have done. I am planning on getting there by  Labor Day, which is in September. It is 2192 miles which equils out to be 16 miles a day if I work out  5 days a week. Or 14 miles a day if I work out six days a week. On your mark, get set, goooooo.

Friday, March 12, 2010

GO ME!!!

I fit into a pair of pants that I haven't fit into for a very long time. I even had a shirt that matched. I had my wonderful husband take a picture so I could see the difference. I don't really see much of a difference, but I know that there is one.
Today was my daughers birthday and I ate a piece of cake. Now I have a stomach ache. I should have known better. And on top of it, it didn't taste good. I diffinately went over on my points today. I did go to the gym and worked out for 90 minutes. GO ME!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I ate 6 girl scout cookies today, and they really weren't that good. I must be training myself better. I don't really know why, but they just weren't that good. The taco soup was much better. I also made my sister-in-law's Baked Ziti tonight. Only 6 point per serving. So I had two servings. Good thing I made it to the gym today. I don't even feel bad about eatting such a cheesy dinner. It was a great day for me!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I was just thinking... I don't know what I will look like skinny. This may sound weird because I am not talking about my body. I am talking about my face. I know what I used to look like, but I am 20 something years older.

I often go visit my sister is a town 4 hrs away (3 1/2 if you don't have to stop). When people see us together they always say that they can tell we are sisters because we look alike. I just do not see it. I know we must, but I have always been so much heavier. Will I wake up one day and and look in the mirror and see her? Keep in mind that this would not be bad, just weird.

I went to the gym this morning and I really enjoyed was having a good time. I didn't want to leave, except my feet started hurting. I think maybe I will start swimming some. I wonder if I fit in my swim suit now. I was seriously bulging out of it at the end of summer last year. I won't have time tomorrow, but maybe friday.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Whooppppeeeeeeee! I lost 3.8 lbs. which is a total of 21 lbs total. I can't believe it! That feels like such a large amount. I now weigh under 250. I know that is still a lot, but it is 21 lbs less.
This is my new conflict. I bought 10 weeks with Weight Watchers. This was week 9. One more week and I have to buy more. Do I buy more or do I try to do it on my own? Am I strong enough? I think that I am and I could always go back on it if I can see that I am not sticking to it. Right?
I feel like I am getting to be such a tightwad (is that a word?). I have a few friends that I like to go out to lunch with. One of them called me and said that we should go out for lunch soon. I suggested that maybe we should  do a potluck lunch at one of our houses. She didn't really like this idea. But I started to think that I am starting to get smarter about my $$$.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I have recently decided that I really like to work out. It is fun and I feel so good afterwards. Sometimes when I am done with my hour, I wish I could stay longer. I don't know if it is the adrenalin or what but I feel so good. 
Today after only about 1/2 hour my mom called and wanted to play. I love my mom so I went home and showered and got ready for the day, but I was sad to end my workout so early. I should get a good workout tomorrow.
It is also weigh in day. Eeeeeks, that makes me nervous!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I guess my stomich is shrinking because I do not feel as starving as I feel like I would. I am pretty good at not snacking all of the time. Even at meals I find that I do not eat as much. Not because I shouldn't but because I don't want to.
I made it to the gym today without any problem. That makes 5 times this week. Yeah Me!

Friday, March 5, 2010


I think I was pretty productive today. I made it to the gym and got a good workout. I really like to lift weights. I remember when I first started and I didn't know how to work machines and I would have to ask someone how to do it, or I would learn from watching others. But today I was able to help teach someone else how to use a machine. It was nice to be on the educated side.
I also set a budget for our $$$ for this month. We have talked about doing it, but have never actually sat down and done it. Of course I stilll have to pass it by my hot husband, but when that is done then it should be a go. I really hope that we can make it work.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Today sucked! I ate 17 girl scout cookies. I figured I wouldn't eat a big dinner, but God had better ways to punish me. I got the hershey squirts and heartburn. I GET IT LOUD AND CLEAR!
On top of that I didn't get to they gym this morning and I just kept putting it off. Boy I really didn't do good today. I will try harder tomorrow. As for now I am going to go get a good nights sleep so that I can wake up tomorrow to burn off those extra calories.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I had so much fun at the gym today. I am not really sure why, but I REALLY enjoyed it. I went first thing and got the machines that I like. I was home by 9 a.m. and able to get on with the rest of the day.
I also realized that my pants that were really tight when I started this journey can now be pulled down past my hips without undoing them. THIS IS SO EXCITING!!! I can not believe the progress I am making.
Yesterday I was talking to this wonderful lady in my neighborhood, she works out often so I was thinking that she could be a good resource, and was telling her about how my feet go numb. She suggested that maybe I am wearing my shoes too tight. I told her that I had already checked on it. Then she said that maybe I am putting most of my weight on the ball of my foot. I realized that this is true. Since my two foot surgeries I do not put a great deal of weight on my heals. Needless to say, todays workout was much better. No numb feet!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


My first good news is today I biked for 40 minutes and then ellipticaled for 20 and my feet didn't go numb! Yippy for me.
Second good news is that I lost another 2.2 lbs. This is a total of 17.4 lbs. I really can't believe that I am still losing. Usually I fluxuate on what I gain or lose. But I have been pretty consistant. It has been 8 weeks that I have been doing this and I still feel good about myself, my pants fit better, and I know that I am a great deal healthier. Don't get me wrong, I am not giving up. Just feeling motivated.
I want to thank all of you for reading this and being a part of my motivating team. I am tired and going to bed. I will write more tomorrow.

Monday, March 1, 2010


So after my last post I realized that I didn't do as bad as I was thinking. I just need to be more on top of me going to the gym. I know that I feel better after I do. Also, it was good for me to set a goal with the Girl Scout cookies. I haven't gone over my 6 (cookies) per day.
I have had this faithful water bottle that I have been carrying around with me for some time. I take it to the gym, it's always in my car, or close by somewhere. It is nice because it has a little handle that makes it easy to carry around without getting my hand frozen. I love ice water! Well today while at the gym, I am walking from the bikes to the weights, and what do you know, the handle breaks off, causing the whole bottle to come crashing to the ground. It hit so perfectly that it shattered into pieces. It didn't just crack, nope, lots of pieces. And water and ice went flying all over the place.
I was grateful that no one was within close proximity (is that how you spell it) or they would have had a very cold and icy shower. Sad day for me. After that I still needed to bike for 40 minutes. I thought I was going to die of thirst. I definitely need to go get me another one. I can't work out without a bottle full of ice cold water.